Friday, March 13, 2009
Rocky Point, Mexico: Is It Safe?
The various media-- print, radio, TV-- have been full of dire warnings about the dangers of visiting Mexico lately. With typical non-attention to detail, too many reporters and talking heads have essentially taken a serious problem in a few border cities and applied it country-wide. It didn't help that Arizona colleges/universities issued a Spring Break warning against going to Mexico, or that the DEA did the same. Both entities ignored the facts that the violence is restricted primarily to a few border cities and that American tourists are not targets for either killing or kidnapping.
So is Puerto Penasco safe? In a word, Yes.
First, it is not a border city. Second, it is not now nor ever has been of any particular interest to the drug cartels that are causing the violence. But when the media show images from Juarez or Tijuana and mention towns like Rocky Point in the same breath, well what are people expected to think?
Somewhat belatedly, the Department of Homeland Security has finally thought to mention that the danger to American tourists has been overblown and that violence is not affecting U.S. citizens visiting Mexico.
Wayne Corcoran, AMPI Ethics VP & President Elect 2010 in Puerto Penasco, has covered this pretty well in his blog and has given permission to reprint his post here. If you're interested in facts vs spin and hysteria, you will want to read this:
More evidence Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point) Mexico is safe to visit
Today in the Tucson Citizen, Homeland Security official states violence in Mexico is not as dangerous to U.S. tourists as has been portrayed. In Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point) Mexico, AMPI has helped start a community wide program to help promote our community as a result of the economic down turn and the effects of inaccurate travel warnings.
In January I co-authored the "2009 Puerto Peñasco Market Analysis" that was published in the February Rocky Point Times. We are also providing monthly updates as the market is changing faster than most of anticipated. One factor we did not include in our analysis is the inaccurate reporting on dangers of travel to our region of Mexico.
In my previous blogs I have talked about how it is safe to travel to Puerto Peñasco and how we are not like the border cities that are experiencing an increase in drug related violence. The Tucson Citizen just put out an article today quoting Homeland Security official Roger Rufe, they wrote: "Rufe said while the violence along the border in Mexico is appalling, violent crimes have not increased in U.S. border cities as a result. He said kidnappings are up but violent crimes are down. .... Further, the Homeland Security Department's attaché to Mexico said the violence in Mexico is not as dangerous to U.S. tourists as has been portrayed. Alonzo Pena said the violence is in isolated areas of the country and only affects the people involved in criminal activity. He said the violence is not affecting U.S. citizens visiting Mexico and Americans should not cancel their vacations in the country"
So in this they are admitting the alarm for border cities is being overplayed into broad alerts which is good news the truth is starting to come out. And remember in Puerto Peñasco we are not even part of the border cities experiencing the increased drug related issues.
I would like to congratulate the Tucson Citizen go going a bit further and getting more accurate information, this is what all news agencies should be doing. There are thousands of U.S. and Canadian citizens living part time in Puerto Peñasco who would be glad to tell you that we are not experiencing the dangers here, yet we are all feeling a further impact in our economy as a result of sloppy reporting.
Pass the word, do the right thing, let everyone know the full truth so people can make smart educated choices and avoid making choices out of false fears. I would be happy to put any reporter in touch with city officials, U.S. property owners, or anyone they want to help paint the right picture for our area.
Wayne Corcoran, MBA, PMP, AMPI, NAR
St. James Gate, Development and Market Services
Mexico Licensed Real Estate Professional
Office #480-308-0821
Cell# (011521) 638-112-0854
I couldn't have said it better myself, which is why I didn't. ;) Come on down, Will Robinson. The water is fine! And if you want to see what you're missing, visit Spring break blog: Rocky Point 2009 Lots of pictures of Spring Breakers having lots of fun!
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