Friday, May 18, 2012

New Federal Highways Around Puerto Peñasco!

-by El Gitano Peñasco, "The Peñasco Gypsy"

Several reliable sources noted this week that a contract has been awarded to a Mexican company to improve the Federal Highway system throughout the State of Sonora, Mexico.

The company winning the 7-year US$200 Million+ contract for improving and/or upgrading the 797 kilometer Federal Highways system is Empresas ICA, S.A.B. de C.V. (bmv:ICA) which, according to the company’s press release is the “largest engineering, construction, procurement and infrastructure company in Mexico”!

The package of highways includes the roads that link the main cities in Sonora, including Hermosillo, Nogales, and Puerto Peñasco, and is expected to start construction during the end of May.

That is great news for the entire State of Sonora and for those here in Peñasco. But don’t pack up the old Vardo and plan that vacation by car just yet because although some ‘work’ could start as early as this month, the first phase of the project involving just “preparation and development” is to span the next three (3) years.

Nonetheless, new and/or improved Federal Highways here makes for great news for our community. It is yet another indication that things in Puerto Peñasco y México are looking brighter and brighter each day.

In fact, staring into my crystal ball, if we play our cards right Peñasco could not only become that ‘retirement’ haven that I’ve advocated for years but it wouldn’t be a bad time for more entrepreneur type business folks with some fresh ideas, businesses, services or products to start setting up shop here while prices on real estate, be they leases or acquisitions, are at bargain basement levels.

And if any of you are not sure what type of businesses could do well here then let me share the thoughts of one of my Amigos who has been operating a successful business in town for more than a decade.

Fernando’s advice is just about “anything” (businesswise) will work in Peñasco as long as it is legitimate, well funded, managed properly and meets the people’s (and/or visitors) needs.

And most of us would also likely agree with Fernando that in ‘that’ department there is no shortage of needed businesses; which translated means the ‘market’ here is wide open and even a family ice-skating rink could do well in Peñasco!

A Gypsy can always dream!

¡Viva Puerto Peñasco y México!


Awaken your inner beachbum