Friday, March 5, 2010

RTU For Puerto Peñasco!

-by El Gitano Peñasco, "The Peñasco Gypsy"

Over the years there have been a number of PP home owners who have attempted to sell their home on a timesharing basis option, though they do so by refraining from calling their ‘project’ by the dreaded ‘timeshare’ word and instead go with the more favorable term of ‘fractional’ ownership.

I have seen some of these properties and what I discovered is that most often they are marketed incorrectly (if at all), they are over-priced, the owner (or agent) has no timeshare, ah, I mean ‘fractional’ experience and the ‘offer’ has yet to fill or meet the real niche market (aka: buyers) of Puerto Peñasco.

There seems to be no shortage of folks in PP who loathe timesharing of any kind but I can tell you that if many of those same people could build a home that cost (e.g.) $150,000 (dollars) and sell it for (e.g.) half a million (dollars)-- and do so in about a month’s time-- they’d be all over it, so to speak!

And if I also told those same owners there was a way they could do just that and in as little as five (5) years they would also retain actual ownership of their property, that the original buyers would be ‘down the road’ with no further interests or use rights in the property and that the original owner (builder/investor) could now sell it ‘again’ for another half million they’d likely be inclined to do just that!

And if that weren’t enough to turn a PP home owner into a ‘convert’ I’d also tell them ‘buyers’ would be more than willing to pay all the taxes, insurance and upkeep, etc. on the property, which also has a certain appeal…

Then, for all those ‘doubting’ types I’d send ‘em down to the Mayan Palace and tell them to stroll through the property and while doing so just keep one thing in mind: what I’ve already told them is exactly what Daniel Chavez did in PP, Cabo, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and so forth. Do you think there might be something to it?

¡Viva México y Puerto Peñasco!
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain