Friday, February 11, 2011

A Memo to the Mayor of Peñasco

-by El Gitano Peñasco, "The Peñasco Gypsy"

TO: President Municipal Alejandro Zepeda Munro (et al).

Please be advised that everyone in Peñasco really does appreciate your recent visit with the ‘authorities’ at Arizona State University (ASU) proclaiming how safe it is, etc. and encouraging visitors to come and enjoy some quality vacation time here.

That said, your Honor, respectfully, enough with pandering to the (mostly) AZ ‘Spring-Break’ crowd because there are much bigger ‘fish-to-fry’ and there is nobody more qualified than you Sir to get out on the road and ‘sell’ Peñasco!

And God bless those students, but aside from paying for a roof over their heads (or sleeping on beaches, in cars, RV’s), buying a lot of $1 tacos, etc. and consuming mass quantities of alcohol they are w/o a doubt the least desirable turistas needed to benefit the majority of Peñascans.

In fact, some of the most successful year-long vacation destinations in the world, which bring in ‘billions’ in tourism revenue each year, don’t even allow mass ‘groups’ of ‘Spring-Breakers’, instead targeting the over-40 vacationers who’ll visit and spend thousands and thousands of dollars during their stay.

Peso for Peso (spent) on an equal head-count basis, many in our community, including this Gypsy, would rather see Peñasco fill up each week with 3,000 married couples (6,000 individuals) than ‘Spring-Breakers’ once a year. And at the end of the day the city coffers would be much better off as well.

A Gypsy can always dream!

¡Viva Puerto Peñasco y México!
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain