Tourism officials talk of a "lost summer", after visitors - particularly from the United States and Canada - cancelled their holidays in droves during the peak of the swine flu crisis in April.
They are not expected to return in large numbers until December.
Some airlines have dramatically reduced their scheduled flights to Mexico's beach resorts.
Cruise liners are still avoiding Mexican ports.
Alecia Del Vila from Mexico City's tourism association admits that any recovery will be slow.
"The Mexico City authorities closed everything - restaurants, bars and banquet rooms, so it was really a big shock," she said.
"We lost all the business and little by little we are recovering."
Luxury hotels in the capital were reporting just 4 per cent of their rooms were occupied at the height of the crisis.
Read the rest of this BBC report here: Swine flu strikes Mexico tourism
Just how bad is it? Here are some links to other stories on the subject:
South Baja tourism pros say 'Come on down'
Flu fears blamed for continuing drop in tourism to Mexico
Mexico Trying to Revive Tourism After Flu Scare
There's more, but we don't need much more to know how hard hit Puerto Penasco was hit by all the negative news promulgated by the mainstream media. Good publicity, special deals and time are key elements to repairing the damage.