PUERTO PENASCO, SON, July 20, 2009— At a meeting on July 15 at the Copacabana Restaurant, Manny Sanchez and Rosie Glover, pictured at left, announced the opening of the newly-formed ROCKY POINT TOURISM & VISITOR ASSISTANCE BUREAU, scheduled to be opened on August 3, 2009.
After decades as a member of the business community in Puerto Penasco, Sanchez, who owns Manny’s Tequila Factory and Manny’s Beach Club, says he decided that it was time to take a proactive approach to attracting tourism and uniting the business community.
“I knew Rosie Glover would be the right person to take the ideas and run with them,” he said, explaining how he determined that Glover, owner of ProAlliance Insurance and the Rocky Point News Online, was the right choice to head up the Bureau. “I am donating the office space and will cover the utilities and Mrs. Glover was willing to donate her time, ideas, and effort.”
For her part, Glover says she already had notes with her ideas and had hoped to someday be able to help bring more tourism to her adopted hometown. “It’s funny, but I’ve been developing a plan for a couple of years in the hopes that it would come in handy sometime. Manny and I agree that there is much we can do and that now is the time to do it.”
While both agree they would have liked to have had better attendance at the meeting, they were pleased with the quality of the turnout. “Noe Banaga was there to represent the incoming administration, and pledged their support. CANACO and OCV were both enthusiastic and supportive,” said Sanchez.
“Architect Fausto Soto, and Jill Mitchell owner of Consign & Design are both going to be key elements for the Bureau,” added Glover.
The outline shared by Glover shows the RP Tourism & Visitor Assistance Bureau to be much more than a tourism office, with some functions being those often associated with a Chamber of Commerce and the Better Business Bureau.
When asked to elaborate on the services offered, Glover said, “Visitors to Penasco need a place to go if they have questions or problems while here. We intend to be there for them and help in whatever way we can. At this point we need to identify businesses that are willing to sign on as members so I can explain the details of our plan. Aside from the service to visitors, and of course the business directory, member businesses will also have a liaison when issues arise for them locally. There will be a committee made up of members who will oversee all activity”, adding confidently, “And of course, our plan to increase tourism will be creative and far-reaching”.
CONTACT: ROSIE GLOVER rosie@proalliance.com.mx
MX CELL: 638.112.0134 U.S. PHONE: 602.773.1031