Good news! If you are coming down for the Rocky Point Rally (Nov. 5-8) or anytime in November you have the opportunity to get some free booze and support a charity at the same time! Here's the deal: Visit the Camel Toe Cantina and bring along some sporting goods for the Youth Sports Foundation of Rocky Point or school supplies for Adopt-A-Classroom of Rocky Point, and the CTC will give you a free draft beer and shot of tequilla! It doesn't get any better than that!

Camel Toe Cantina is working with Fernando Lopez, Penasco Director of Sports; Rick Busa, Youth Sports Foundation of Penasco; and Mark Olszewski, Adopt-A-Classroom of Penasco to gather sports equipment and school supplies for the elementary schools here in Rocky Point. Click the pic for details, and come on down this month. Any old time at all. You can't beat this deal with a stick.
And by the way, these are only three of the many excellent charities and volunteer opportunities you'll find in Rocky Point. You can find a more complete list at my Rocky Point Charities page, and I'd bet you'll find something there that will fill that need you have to help out in your adopted community.
Next up today: If you love good bread and other baked goods and have been looking for a place to find a wide variety of them in Puerto Penasco, look no further. A bright new little coffee shop and bakery has opened in town that offers tons of baked goods (even what one fan calls "a respectable baguette), some nice desserts and excellent coffe. Called La Cubanita, it's on Sonora a block west of the Salmos (you'll make a turn off Benito Juarez across from Pollo Lucas and go a couple of blocks). You can't miss it, the aroma alone will draw you in as you pass by. The owner speaks English very well, but you can just point at what you want (to avoid drooling all over everything), then ask for a cafe con leche to go with your choice and prepare to enjoy your morning!
By the way, probably the most comprehensive source on the Net for restaurants in Rocky Point is, yes, Rocky Point Restaurants. There are pictures and everything. Take a peek next time you're looking for somewhere new to dine!
And finally, the buzz is that if you're heading down the main drag at Las Conchas you'd be well advised to keep your speed under control. Allegedly, the head of the Las Conchas HOA has had it UP TO HERE with speeders on that strip and has asked the local cops for assistance. Last I heard, there was indeed a cop with a radar gun patrolling the area and he'll get ya if you don't watch out...
And that's all the Buzz on the Beach for today.
Peace out...
About Beach Buzz: Not necessarily the news, this is a place for information, opinion, speculation, gossip, tips and other good stuff about Rocky Point, and Mexico in general. Have opinions to air, anecdotes to share, tips or tidbits to contribute? I'd like to hear from you!
Email me: La Huerita