Friday, December 17, 2010

The ‘Donald’ & Puerto Peñasco?

-by El Gitano Peñasco, "The Peñasco Gypsy"

According to Mariana Alvarado of the Arizona Daily Star, young Donald Trump, Jr., the son of ‘The Donald’ (aka: “I’ve only declared bankruptcy a few times”) has been hobnobbing with all the ‘right’ people here and may build some resorts, perhaps some “low-income” housing units and “finance some infrastructure projects”, etc.

I for one will not hold my breath because IMHO the likelihood of that happening any time soon, if at all, would be akin to Larry Large taking another shot at opening a hamburger joint, this time making/selling a burger that is both yummy and priced for the market.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for the ‘big-buck’ types pouring money into the economy (and Larry taking a second shot, too) but while all that ‘chatting’ takes place Peñasco would be better served, both out the chute and over the long-haul, by luring ‘Mom-and-Pop’ types of businesses from around Mexico to come and hang out their ‘Abierto’ signs.

That should include anything from small (and bigger) manufacturers to everything else needed here. And when these businesses come into any economy they usually start hiring right away, adding funds to the city coffers. Competition heats up, which means better prices, and because they’re ‘localized’ they are more vested within the community-- which is better for everyone!

One other benefit (and there are more) is that you’ll never sit around the (e.g.) ‘Black Dog’ having dinner and overhear some ‘pump and dump’ real estate type sitting nearby telling a potential buyer not familiar with Peñasco that Paco and Maria are opening up a dress shop…

Versus, say, hearing ‘them’ asserting the entire Trump empire is buying up property all over the place and their money is going to turn Peñasco into the next Cancun so ya all better sign today and get in before the prices go through the ceiling…

¡Viva Puerto Peñasco y México!
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain