Friday, January 6, 2012

The Official 2nd Language of Puerto Peñasco!

-by El Gitano Peñasco, "The Peñasco Gypsy"

If there is any truth that ‘love makes the world go round’ then it should be no shock that the spoken word is the real ‘spinner’ as long as, naturally, all parties understand the meaning and definitions of the words/dialog being spoken.

I’ve read recently that here in the Mexican State of Sonora (including Peñasco) the 'English National Basic Education' and/or the 'National English in Basic English' (NEPBE) course being taught at many pre-and elementary grade schools has become quite successful and over the next two years the ‘Gov’ is going to have the program in all schools up to the 6th grade level.

Currently, the way I understand the process is that three lessons per week consisting of 50 minutes each are being taught and now there is an ongoing effort to better assist the teachers themselves so that they can help the Niños y Niñas get a better and workable handle on the English language.

That effort is to be applauded for sure! Not only are there many jobs throughout Mexico that require a workable knowledge of the English language the fact of the matter is the same is true right here in our beloved Puerto Peñasco and that ‘demand’, IMHO, will only increase over the ensuing years which then means the (e.g.) 3rd graders studying today will be better positioned for many of the job opportunities of tomorrow.

This all gives me yet another idea on how we can all better promote Peñasco. That would be to get the word out that PP is the “English Speaking Capital of all Mexico” so that them thar ‘foreigners’ know in advance they’ll have no problemos having their every need and desire fulfilled when visiting or relocating here.

And yes, many folks here already speak the lingo, so to speak; but I’m talking about taking the next generation(s) and their bi-lingual conversational levels to the point that they can potentially profit handsomely from their abilities (aka: Make Money, too), talents and knowledge.

After all, between the Spanish and English languages there are upwards of a Billion people (or more) who are fluent in one or the other. So for the kids of Peñasco to hone and fine tune those skills while they are young and when learning a second language is a ‘walk in the park’ is a good thing! And even though they may not appreciate what they are learning now it could very well make their futures much brighter than what might already be coming down the old Camino anyway!

A Gypsy can always dream!

¡Viva Puerto Peñasco y México!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain