Friday, October 8, 2010

Warren Buffett: Tips for Puerto Peñasco!

-by El Gitano Peñasco, "The Peñasco Gypsy"

Warren Buffett is not only one of the wealthiest people around (worth about $45 Billion) he also has been quoted recently giving advice for those who seek wealth and success, and IMHO there is an underlying theme whereby his recommendations could apply to Peñasco, from a business owner and marketing perspective.

His five (5) tips are to always “Live below Your Means”, to “Bounce Back From Defeat", to “Self-Promote”, “Have Street Smarts” and to always “Buy Cheap”.

That is not only his advice but the person many call a ‘penny pincher’ actually lives well below his means and his ‘ideas’ are a practical part of his every day business life as well!

Translated for the purposes of businesses and marketing Peñasco, two tips that strike me is that wealthy people, too, are always looking for a ‘bargain’ and just like their counter-parts (us non-wealthy types) they, too, don’t mind ‘buying cheap’…

Hmm, now what do you suppose all our businesses here could do with that little bit of info to attract a broader spectrum of turistas from around the nation and indeed the world?

Oh, I know; what I wrote about some time ago and along with all the fixin' up taking place within our fair community, spread the word (aka: advertise) that Peñasco is the place for the MOAD (Mother of all Deals) on everything from shopping to restaurants, motels/hotels to activities!

Hey, a Gypsy can always dream!

¡Viva Puerto Peñasco y México!
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain