As of May 10, 2012, anyone wanting to enter Las Conchas will have to have proper stickers and/or other ID to present at the guardhouse both on the way in and the way out.
Residents must have a blue and white decal on their vehicle windshields, which can be obtained from the HOA office. Residents must obtain passes from the office for guests and/or family or friends.
Contractors, caregivers, or any worker who has to carry on business there must obtain a red, numbered sticker. The guardhouse will keep a record of each such person/company and the decal number that will cross.
For temporary workers the guardhouse will issue a blue badge that will hang on the rearview mirror with its own number, each of which will be recorded in the book and turned in to the guard upon exit.
Taxis must obtain a numbered orange label, with the driver's name on it, which is to be recorded both upon entering and leaving the community, and the label must be returned to the guard booth upon leaving.
Short term renters will receive a temporary badge which must be turned in when they leave.
In addition, guards with ATVs will patrol beach access points 24/7, and 3 more guards have been hired for the night shift, which will allow two vehicles to patrol the subdivision overnight.